Saguaro Sol is a cactus luchador character that first appeared briefly in my mini comic Prickly Pete. When I had the opportunity to take a toy design class and design and create my own action figure, this western wrestler became a clear first choice.

This page shows the self produced figures that you can grab over at the store along with the design work and production process that brought these toys to life

Production Process

The first step was of course creating and refining the character design. This included initial sketches, pushing the design in silhouette, playing with costuming options, and ultimately a cleaned up turn around and exploded view of the locked in design and articulation.

After designs were completed I moved onto sculpting and painting a static figure.

This sculpt served two purposes, a figure that could be used as a basis for creating a silicone mold for a wax cast and as a reference for painting the final resin figures later on.

After the mold was completed a wax figure could be cast, this figure could be further refined and chopped apart to create the pieces that would be the bases for the production molds. The produced figures were cast with Flex-It 90 resin, a durable yet bendable resin that gives the final action figures that genuine toy feel.

After casting a full run is completed, the individual pieces are prepped for paint.

The base color of the costume and the logo on the chest is applied by airbrush and then the rest of the costume details along with the eye color is done by hand.

After the paint has fully dried, the figures are assembled and a clear coat is applied for finish.


Prickly Pete - Toy Design Work